General membership meeting featuring guest speaker Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone

General membership meeting featuring guest speaker Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone

Member Benefits

Networking opportunities, professional development, community involvement, recognition and regional exposure — whatever your plans dictate — you can launch them by attending Greater Patchogue Chamber of Commerce, Inc. programs & events.

We host annual, quarterly, and monthly programs and series to ensure you get the results you want and the tools you need to succeed.

As a member of the Greater Patchogue Chamber of Commerce, Inc., you receive the following benefits:
♦ Announcement of your new membership in the Chamber through various media channels.
♦ A ribbon cutting ceremony at your location, if applicable.
♦ Business listing in Discover Patchogue Magazine & Community Guide, a full color publication distributed to hundreds of locations in Nassau and Suffolk County including hotels, visitor centers, businesses, and to thousands of visitors to Patchogue's events and festivals.
♦ Inclusion on the Chamber's interactive website, with the choice to enhance visibility by adding banner advertisements, videos, slideshows, Chamber Deals and job opportunities.
♦ Use of Chamber logo for any advertising.
♦ Invitations to all Chamber functions, including monthly networking events and general meetings.
♦ Notification by mail or email of all events planned by the Chamber and our members.
♦ Opportunity to promote your business at seasonal parades, Alive After Five® and all other Chamber-sponsored events.
♦ Ability to promote your business or organization to all other members through events, email blasts, print materials, web information and advertising.
♦ Ability to make your promotional materials available to all who visit the Chamber office.
♦ Receive business referrals through membership.
♦ Up-to-date information about the local business community, including grant and funding opportunities.
♦ Advocacy by the Chamber, on your behalf, regarding town, county and state rules and regulations.
♦ Certificates of origin for foreign trade purposes.
♦ Membership to the Brookhaven Chambers of Commerce Coalition, which has two business networking events each year that all members are invited to attend.

Additional offers afforded to you as a Chamber member:
♦ Email blast service to all members: $30
♦ Set of mailing labels for all members: $30

Networking at Bellport Country Club

Joint networking event at the Bellport Country Club for the Greater Patchogue & Bellport Chambers of Commerce